303.623.8733 (TREE)


Tree Removal

Donovan Arborists

Tree Care Services

Our ISA Certified Arborists ensure that you get the highest quality tree care.

Free Estimates

We offer free estimates for tree planting, trimming, removal, cabling and bracing.

Plant Health Care Services

We believe in being proactive in preventing insect infestations and disease outbreaks.


Tree Removal

When is the Right Time to Remove Your Tree?

By late springtime, your trees should be leafed out, growing, and healthy looking. If that’s not the case, it may be time to consider removing any that look like their best years may be behind them, pose safety risks, lack room to grow, or are an undesirable species or “volunteer” tree that’s messy or weak. Here are some things to look for, starting from the ground up.

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Why Do Trees Uproot?

If you’ve ever tried to remove a tree or clear a stump, you know that these plants can have extensive root systems that cling tenaciously to the soil around them. So why do we see so many stories of trees uprooted by storms? Here are some reasons.

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